CAR cease-fire already shows signs of falling apart

Central African Republic political map

On Monday 19 June, 13 of the 14 armed factions currently fighting in the Central African Republic’s ongoing civil war agreed to a ceasefire deal in Rome. The cease-fire, which had been mediated by the Catholic Sant’Egidio Community, a lay church affiliated with the Vatican, was considered an important step in restoring peace to the Central African Republic (CAR), although previous negotiations have not managed to stop fighting for any significant period of time. 

Your country needs you

Union Flags and Big Ben

Having completed your service in the Armed Forces and having transitioned to becoming a civilian, your country still needs you. You could take your leadership skills into politics and make decisions for this country which are above political expediency and personal gain.


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The Proelium Law weekly picture intelligence summaries (PICINTSUMS) for the use of our clients, colleagues and contacts are now released.  Focusing on Iraq/Syria, Libya and Afghanistan/Pakistan these reports will be updated weekly on a Wednesday.

Companies that a veteran should never work for

Meeting of shareholders

Not all companies like to hire Veterans coming out of the Armed Forces. That is probably the most politically incorrect thing that I can say, but it is an uncomfortable reality that must be faced by Service Leavers.

A must read to fund your future

The Army celebrate the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II

Serving Armed Forces personnel are reasonably financially secure, the nature of military life being such that while serving one does not experience the same financial challenges as civilians.


Proelium Law Country Assessments page header

The Proelium Law weekly picture intelligence summaries (PICINTSUMS) for the use of our clients, colleagues and contacts are now released.  Focusing on Iraq/Syria, Libya and Afghanistan/Pakistan these reports will be updated weekly on a Wednesday.

Writing Proposals

businesswoman giving a presentation to coworkers in the boardroom

The ability to express clearly and more efficiently on paper is an essential skill to proposal writing. It is through the medium of proposal writing that ideas, products, and services are conveyed to potential customers, the senior management team, and colleagues.


Proelium Law Country Assessments page header

The Proelium Law weekly picture intelligence summaries (PICINTSUMS) for the use of our clients, colleagues and contacts are now released.  Focusing on Iraq/Syria, Libya and Afghanistan/Pakistan these reports will be updated weekly on a Wednesday.

Trading badges, ribbons, and medals for a label pin

Royal Navy and Royal Marines train alongside partner naval forces

The Armed Forces are doing a better job of helping the transition to civilian life; there are many initiatives to ease the move to “Civvy Street.”  However, there is undoubtedly more that could be done, including preparation for transition thinking.