Afghanistan open for business – IN Magazine
David Frend, barrister and consultant for Proelium Law has been featured in this month IN magazine and has given 7 tips for setting up a new venture in Afghanistan.
Doing business in the badlands – Part 2
In the second of our 3-part series, we consider the health & safety implications and employer liability of doing business in high-risk and volatile jurisdictions.
Organisational culture in a foreign country – Part 1
In part 1 of our 2-part series, we explore how understanding the different variables that constitute a foreign Country’s culture will help assist business success. It’s not about where business is done so much as it is about how it’s done!
Doing Business in the Badlands – Part 1
In the first of our 3-part series, we look at the risks – and the rewards – of doing business in high-risk and volatile jurisdictions. Conducting business in Complex Environments and High-Risk Jurisdictions is risky but could be advantageous if well managed, and professionally advised.
Is your business structured for failure or success?
Is a good business simply born or created? Is it nature or nurture? Organic or engineered? Businesses get to where they are by a number of routes, frequently being reactive to opportunities that present in the course of their growth. If they’re lucky, their structure will serve them well for the foreseeable future but luck […]
Expanding your business into a high-risk location
For anyone thinking about setting up a business in a high-risk location, there are many things to consider. Is the country you are considering is at a higher risk of political violence or is about to submerge into conflict? Is it a place where conflict is already a part of daily-life or is the country considered to be a ‘post-conflict’ environment? Whilst the financial gains of […]