It’s Tommy this and Tommy that, and Tommy needs a job!

In 1794, so legend or martial myth has it, at the Battle of Bokstel, the Duke of Wellington found a soldier lying wounded in the mud. “It’s all right, sir, all in a day’s work,” the injured Private Tommy Atkins told the Iron Duke.
The Plight of the Rohingya

On March 16th, the European Union called upon the United Nations to urgently investigate claims of torture, rape and extra-judicial killings alleged to have been carried out by the Myanmar military against the Rohingya Muslim minority in that country.
Heed the Call

You took the Queens shilling, the bugle sounded, and you reported. Back in Civvy Street, now who is calling, how do you answer that call, and what are the hidden obstacles?
Scotland Yard probe possible war crimes in Yemen

The Metropolitan Police have confirmed that they are undertaking a “scoping exercise” to ascertain whether criminal prosecutions for war crimes should be pursued against Saudi Arabia in regard to its military intervention in Yemen.
Back in the Office on Monday

“I was in the desert on Thursday and was back to work on Sunday,” said a Reservist, speaking about his return from Iraq. After active service, many Reservists then return to their civilian jobs within days.
What else do you consider when choosing that job?

So, you have gotten over that awkward feeling of self-promotion, and you are marketing yourself globally on Linkedin or Xing. You have also produced a great CV, and have been sending it out far and wide. Job offers are coming in, how do you choose which one to take?
Greek letter bombs

On Wednesday March 15th, German police intercepted a letter bomb addressed to the German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble.
Drones as a threat

In this second of two blogs, Barry Harris, senior advisor to Proelium Law LLP and commercial Drone expert, gives an introduction to this new asymmetric threat.
Macedonian unrest likely to escalate

Protesters stormed the Macedonian Assembly on Thursday the 27th of April, after politicians voted to confirm Talat Xhaferi as the Speaker of the Assembly.
New Regulations governing foreign branches in Iraq

The Iraqi government issued new regulations (2 of 2017) concerning foreign branches in Iraq which replaces regulation 5 of 1989. The Regulation contains a number of important features, some of which are highlighted below.