Alan Taylor

Consultant | Proelium Law LLP


Formerly a senior officer and member of the Army’s general staff, Alan began his career transition to law in 2015. Alan joined Proelium Law in January 2018 and qualified as a solicitor in November 2020. He is now a consultant solicitor having previously been a partner of Proelium Law from 2018 -2023.

Amongst other areas, he brings to the firm his experience as the disciplinary lead under the Armed Forces Act 2006 for the investigation and prosecution of contraventions of service and civil matters within the discrete environment. His understanding of the facilitation and oversight into allegations of criminal acts and civil complaints, the investigations by Police (civil and service) and the HSE into allegations against individuals who are accused of wrongdoing or negligence and dealing with their outcome is directly relevant to clients of Proelium.

A former head of the confidentiality and disclosure branch for specialist troops he has previously worked with the Government Legal Services, usually under Public Interest Immunity conditions, at coronial Inquest and in civil and criminal courts dealing with allegations emanating from operations in Northern Ireland and Iraq in the historic context and contemporaneously from Afghanistan and other recent operational theatres. Since coming over to the legal world, Alan has developed a particular specialism in providing corporate law focused legal advice. Alan is security cleared to a high government standard.

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Contact Alan directly 
+44 (0) 7703 162523
+44 (0) 20 3875 7422